Available RecordingsOn these Albums
title | year | album | |
Ground Hog Day at Pumpkin Center | 1908 | The Indestructible Uncle Josh | |
I’m Old but I’m Awfully Tough | 1901 | The 1890s, Vol. 1: "Wipe Him Off the Land" | |
I’m Old but I’m Awfully Tough | 1909 | The Indestructible Uncle Josh | |
Jim Lawson’s Horse Trade | 1908 | The Indestructible Uncle Josh | |
Last Day of School at Pumpkin Center | 1908 | The Indestructible Uncle Josh | |
Learning a City Gal How to Milk | ca. 1897-98 | Actionable Offenses: Indecent Phonograph Recordings from the 1890s | |
Moving Day at Pumpkin Center | 1909 | The Indestructible Uncle Josh | |
The Tapeworm Story | ca. 1897-98 | Actionable Offenses: Indecent Phonograph Recordings from the 1890s | |
Three Little Owls and Naughty Little Mice & I’m Old, but Awfully Tough | 1911 | The Indestructible Uncle Josh | |
Train Time at Pun’kin Centre | 1919 | Before Radio: Comedy, Drama & Sound Sketches, 1897-1923 | |
Uncle Josh and Aunt Nancy’s Visit to New York | 1908 | The Indestructible Uncle Josh | |
Uncle Josh and the Fire Department | 1909 | The Indestructible Uncle Josh | |
Uncle Josh and the Insurance Company | 1908 | The Indestructible Uncle Josh | |
Uncle Josh and the Lightning Rod Agent | 1909 | The Indestructible Uncle Josh | |
Uncle Josh and the Sailor | 1909 | The Indestructible Uncle Josh | |
Uncle Josh at a Ball Game | 1908 | The Indestructible Uncle Josh | |
Uncle Josh at a Bug House | 1908 | The Indestructible Uncle Josh | |
Uncle Josh at a Camp Meeting | 1908 | The Indestructible Uncle Josh | |
Uncle Josh at a Roller Skating Rink | 1908 | The Indestructible Uncle Josh | |
Uncle Josh Gets a Letter from Home | 1908 | The Indestructible Uncle Josh | |
Uncle Josh in a Chinese Laundry | ca. 1900 | The 1890s, Vol. 1: "Wipe Him Off the Land" | |
Uncle Josh in a Chinese Laundry | 1908 | The Indestructible Uncle Josh | |
Uncle Josh in a Department Store | 1908 | The Indestructible Uncle Josh | |
Uncle Josh in a Photograph Gallery | 1910 | The Indestructible Uncle Josh | |
Uncle Josh in Society | 1908 | The Indestructible Uncle Josh | |
Uncle Josh Keeps House | 1911 | The Indestructible Uncle Josh | |
Uncle Josh on a Bicycle | 1908 | The Indestructible Uncle Josh | |
Uncle Josh on a Street Car | 1908 | The Indestructible Uncle Josh | |
Uncle Josh Plays Golf | 1908 | The Indestructible Uncle Josh | |
Uncle Josh Weathersby’s Arrival in New York City | ca. 1898 | The 1890s, Vol. 2: "Wear Yer Bran' New Gown" | |
Uncle Josh’s Arrival in New York | 1912 | The Indestructible Uncle Josh | |
Uncle Josh’s Invitation to His Farm | 1908 | The Indestructible Uncle Josh | |
Uncle Josh’s New Year’s Pledge | 1908 | The Indestructible Uncle Josh | |
Uncle Josh’s Second Visit to New York City | 1908 | The Indestructible Uncle Josh | |
Uncle Josh’s Trip to Coney Island | 1908 | The Indestructible Uncle Josh | |
War Talk at Pun’kin Center | 1915 | The Great War: An American Musical Fantasy |

The Indestructible Uncle Josh
Cal Stewart
The Great War: An American Musical Fantasy
Various Artists
The 1890s, Vol. 1: "Wipe Him Off the Land"
Various Artists
The 1890s, Vol. 2: "Wear Yer Bran' New Gown"
Various Artists